Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Freak Show

Today I find myself sitting across from perhaps the scariest of specimens I have seen on the New York subway so far.

This man or maybe boy (I have no idea- it was impossible to even tell which decade he was born in) has the longest, most giant dreadlocks I have ever seen. They form a gnarly cascade long past his knees- incredible. And this is just the beginning. His ENTIRE face- every inch of flesh I could see is
tattooed. With what design? I can't tell. He also has multiple facial piercings, including this gigantic grotesque nose plug and cheek studs. The perhaps more ghoulish part of him is his ears. He has those gauge holes only they are the largest most extreme ones you could ever witness. His earlobes are like an elephant's, stretched out to down below his shoulders. The wide gaping holes you could see through are only slightly smaller than a baseball.

He has a lady companion with him-a slight, silent Asian girl. She is freaky too, with dreadlocks that almost match her boyfriend's. Not to generalize, but have you ever seen an Asian girl with dreads? You haven't right?

My friend that I am traveling with swears he sees them take drugs right on the train. I miss it as I am trying my hardest not to look at the spectacle that is this couple.

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