Tuesday, September 30, 2008
People Who Go Between Cars
I mean it is against the rules, it is dangerous and it looks like it would be scary. Yet I see people do it all the time. There is just simply no explainable reason to. And the people who do it are always creepy and mysterious looking. Why would one car be better than another? The only answer to that would be if one car is extremely crowded and the next one is not. But when does that happen? If your car is crowded you can bet that that one next to you will be just as packed if not more. Maybe if someone smells really bad in the car? I have smelled a lot of bad bad human odor on a subway car before but it isn’t usually so terrible it can’t be fixed by going to the other side of the car.
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Stock Market Panic and Melon Man
Today, being a day of extremes, I notice an even larger crowd standing around at the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway. As I try to elbow my way to the subway stairs I notice what they are all paying attention to. I pause for a New York minute (oh cliché!). A middle-age black man is standing up on a box in the center of the circle, shouting rants about the state of the economy. Not that unusual. But what catches my eye is the fact that he is wearing a black top hat with a giant half-eaten watermelon on top. Is it stuck there by glue? Is it balancing? We don’t know.
And so goes another day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The She-Man Hair Cut
This is a shallow post. I make no apologies.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Just Another Afternoon....
It is one of those afternoons that you have to literally fight your way onto the train. The 4 is slow coming into the Wall Street stop and as I wait the crowd of men in suits starts to grow until it finally a big gray mob. It is hot, it is smelly and everyone wants to go home. When the train finally comes it's already packed to the brim like a cattle car but everyone sees the small opportunity for a few people to squeeze in. When the doors creak open the struggle begins, elbows flying and shoulders pushing. Normally I would avoid this mess and just wait for the next train to come; however I had to be somewhere and am running late. I nudge my way on, ribs crushing against the gigantic women in front of me.
The car is so packed that I get off two stops later at Brooklyn Bridge to change to the 6 because of how unbearable it is. As I sprint across the platform into the cool openness that is the 6 train I look back at car of the 4 train I had just left. It is such a squishy mass of bodies that I am very surprised I had come out of there in one piece.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pregnant or Fat? Pregnant or Fat?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Boozey At Best
Once in the train I sit next to a man who smells like cigarettes and basement in slouchy elastic pants with a pile of scratch tickets, methodically rubbing down each one with a penny. I try to watch out of the corner of my eye to see if he is winning. The car lurches forward and I drop my library book on the floor. I bend down to pick it up but in my fogginess nearly fall over face first into the floor. Not would've of that been interesting?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Women With Gigantic Engagement Rings
I always wonder just how rich these women are. Not rich enough to never have to take the subway apparently. Or maybe they are extremely wealthy like most people in
One can never know unless you ask. But of course it is never okay to ask a stranger how much their jewelry actually cost and what their life is like. Not on the subway. Not anywhere.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The M6
This morning after I get off the subway I ponder the buses that whiz by dangerously close to the curb as I wait to cross
Monday, September 15, 2008
How Many Licks?
That is some DOPE sh*t mannnn!
Nigga is youse for realz?
I then watch intently as one of them takes his IPhone out of his pocket and starts to lick it.
The youths only pause their conversation when a beggar comes through the doors between the cars. Only super sketch people come through between the cars while the train is moving (stay tuned for more on this subject in a future post). The homeless man announces himself to everyone in the typical manner.
Ladies and Gentleman can I kindly request a moment of your time today, you see I am just
looking for something to eat…..
Blah blah blah. He had a stroke that damaged his liver and kidneys. He can’t work. He has no one to care for him. He isn’t angry or bitter about his situation just hungry and tired. Wouldn’t you please mind helping him?
Out of the corner of my eye I see him go stand next to my boyfriend, who is leaning up against the other side of the car, and stand uncomfortably close to him. My boyfriend squirms slightly but keeps a stone-straight face.
Although he is a bit more loud and piercing than most, I don’t look up. Nobody looks up. Everyone pretends to be reading the advertisement above their seats, a poster with the upcoming fall schedule of an ESL school in Queens.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Parka Man
I do not see him every day, but enough times a week to wonder….Parka Man- WHO ARE YOU?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Two Left Feet
It is only when the train stops and the crowd shifts that I get a better view of him and notice he is wearing an IPod. There is nothing wrong with him after all. He had simply been dancing, slightly swaying in his own little world of mp3.
With moves like that, I certainly feel sorry for his wife.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Rat
Just as quickly as it started though, the disturbance stops. I turn next to me to a guy around my own age who looks just as perplexed as I am.
What just happened? I ask.
You didn’t see it? A rat (He holds his hands about 2 feet apart) THIS big, just ran down the stairs.
I don’t know if he is exaggerating on the size or not but the thing had to of been monstrous. Grown-up men in suits don’t scream like that, unless it is something extremely scary. I know it had to be right around my feet, I just didn’t see it because I was covering my face.
Looks like today nearly fulfilled my worst rat fear of a couple posts ago.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back in Town
This morning it is back to work after a week away. This was the longest I have been without the subway since I started commuting. Predictably nothing is changed. Life in all corners of the city goes on with or without one being present.
This morning after I get off the subway there is a gigantic construction crane backing into Ground Zero that blocks the entrance of the pedestrian bridge into the