Tuesday, September 30, 2008

People Who Go Between Cars

I have decided that only sketchy sketchy weirdoes go from car to car while the train is still moving. For those who are not familiar with the subway, there is a door on each end of the car that opens up to a little bridge into the next car that is out in the open. You are never supposed to open those doors unless (and I quote the fuzzy mysterious subway loudspeaker voice “In an emergency or else directed by the train’s conductor.”

I mean it is against the rules, it is dangerous and it looks like it would be scary. Yet I see people do it all the time. There is just simply no explainable reason to. And the people who do it are always creepy and mysterious looking. Why would one car be better than another? The only answer to that would be if one car is extremely crowded and the next one is not. But when does that happen? If your car is crowded you can bet that that one next to you will be just as packed if not more. Maybe if someone smells really bad in the car? I have smelled a lot of bad bad human odor on a subway car before but it isn’t usually so terrible it can’t be fixed by going to the other side of the car.


Sarah said...

I've been to New York twice, and both times I went on the subway once (don't remember which one). Both times, someone on there smelled HORRIBLE.

Also, I saw someone move from car to car before and wondered why they would need to do that. I would be scared of falling off!

Your blog is fun, by the way. The things you write about are quite amusing.


Anonymous said...

Ha, I am actually really scared of going through the doors when it is moving too but the other day Chris made me and I did not die (granted it was on L so it's not exactly a wild ride). It wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be... But then again I was gripping Chris' arm so I'd totally take him with me if I feel. -- Jen :)

Sahily said...

very true. I'm scared to switch cars. Then theres also the people who are a walking billboard through the cars marketing fake purses and watches...some "folex" or "Goach". lol.