Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Interns

It always amazes me that I sometimes see the same people over and over again during my commute. I guess it makes sense since most people that work 8 -5 jobs have the same routine every day but I still just can’t figure out that with all of the thousands of people that ride the subway every morning what are the chances we constantly end up on the exact same train in the exact same car. And what are the odds that I even notice?

One of the “regulars” I often see is actually a trio of interns that get on the 5 at 14th street when I do. Two girls and one guy you can tell they were the lucky (or just had well-connected parents) college kids who got the “good” summer jobs at the best banks. One of the girls is not fat by any means but her suit skirts are like two sizes too small and make her look much chubbier than she actually is. The other girl is very petite and pretty but has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard. One of those little princess ditsy baby voices that is only tolerable under the age of 6. A voice, whenever you hear it you just want to turn around and slap her in the face. And she always talks the entire time from 14th street until I get off at Fulton. I don’t even know what she talks about (I try to block much of it out) but even if she were discussing nuclear physics it wouldn’t matter because of her voice. The guy that is always with them I guess I have no judgments on, however I label him in the “Annoying” category by association.

Even though I am only 2 years out of school I feel so much older. I guess I will not be seeing them much more because the summer is slowly coming to an end.

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