Thursday, August 28, 2008


Not too much to report today. This morning I took particular notice to a well-dressed woman in a suit standing across from me on the 5. I only noticed her because she seemed to be staring at me intently (which means she probably was just aimlessly looking at nothing). She was in her early 50s and looked like an executive, clutching her laptop case and blackberry. You know how some people just have that powerful look and you can just tell that they are very important wherever they may work.

Several minutes later I looked at her again and noticed that her eyes were all puffy and she was in fact crying. I wonder how her day could be so bad at only 7:45 in the morning. Maybe she didn’t want to go to work even more than I didn’t want to go to my own job.

This afternoon the same sticky substance that was on the floor of the 6 train a few days ago showed its face again. I wish I knew what it was. Since the spill is way too expansive and to sticky to be soda I have no idea what it even could be. Another 6 train mystery I guess.

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